Friday, December 02, 2011

But That Wasn't Enough

They brought men and women from Africa to work their fields and be their slaves,
But that wasn’t enough

They killed the buffalo and pushed the Native Americans from their land, killing them or leaving them destitute in remote corners,
But that wasn’t enough

They imported Chinese coolies who toiled in the cold to help build their railroads,
But that wasn’t enough

They brought the tired and poor, the huddled masses, to populate the West and to provide cheap labor in their factories,
But that wasn’t enough

From all that windfall in labor and capitol, they coasted along in the post war boom in a land of plenty,
But that wasn’t enough

They rolled through the 80”s incinerating jobs, and dismantling companies and selling off the parts,
But that wasn’t enough

They shipped people’s jobs overseas so they wouldn’t have to pay an honest wage, and thus make bigger profits for themselves,
But that wasn’t enough

They bundled mortgages and sold them off as scam investments as they kicked people out of their homes,
But that wasn’t enough

And they smiled upon people, and rewarded them with handsome pensions to distract them as they ransacked their children’s future,
But that wasn’t enough


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